Back on March 4, 2024, I decided to go for a drive. Having not been down to check on Colorado Pacific for a while, I decided I’d head out along the Towner Line and see if I could find anything moving. If nothing else, I’d get a few more photos of the SD40-2s before they got replaced with the SD70MACs being refurbished in Alamosa.
Lo and behold, I caught up with an eastbound just before Haswell with CXR 1964 in the lead and 22 trailing empty grain hoppers. I spent the rest of the day following the move all the way out to Stuart at the east end of the line, making what I could of an eastbound move in ever-worsening afternoon light.
While I edited the pictures and posted them a few other places that evening, I hadn’t gotten around to uploading them here, so here’s the trip report.