Personal Projects, Photography, and Pointless Pontifications
Chama Steam VI Fall Madness
Chama Steam was an annual photo charter put together by Jay Wimer in cooperation with the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad and Bob Manthey-Zorn of Chama’s Trackside Emporium. The first trip was back in 2002, with subsequent excursions at least planned every year after that. However, due to the precarious position of the railroad, both from a financial, operator contract, and state of equipment point of view, in many of those interveining years, many of those planned trips wound up cancelled. With the railroad on the rebound, however, Chama Steam V (2006) turned out to be a spectacular success. So, when the announcement went out that 2007 was to have a two day trip covering the entire line both ways – to be known as Chama Steam Fall Madness – I immediately signed up. I’ve always wanted to shoot a freight train in the high deserts on the east end, and this seemed like a good opportunity.
Saturday, Sep 29, 2007 – Double-heading to Cumbres
The original plan was to run a double-header to Cumbres on Sunday morning, and then continue east with a single unit. As a result of 489 taking longer to rebuild than was expected, Sunday’s double-header wouldn’t be possible, as one unit was still needed for the regularly scheduled eastbound. The powers that be were able to accomodate, though, and instead there was a special double-header on Saturday evening after the regular train got in (so that we could grab its power, in addition to the spare unit in Chama). The weather wasn’t terribly cooperative, as Saturday was mostly overcast and raining. In the late afternoon, though, the clouds finally broke, giving way to a little late sun for our trip. This gave us a twilight run to Cumbres, dragging a string of cattle cars to be staged for Sunday. I must say, I’ve never had as much fun as riding back down the hill on Saturday, when I was able to snag one of the seats in the cupola of caboose 0579.
Coming down from La Manga Pass on CO 17 on Saturday (29-Sep-2007), I found the regular westbound train at Los Pinos making its way towards Cumbres in the rain
A little after 1600h on Saturday, the regular train makes its way through the Chama yard. 488 will quickly get serviced, turned, and have the Rio Grande logo applied for that evening’s run to Cumbres.
While 488 is pulled off the regular train to be serviced, 484 comes out to start preparing the evening’s freight train.
This is just about my favorite shot from the trip – not because of the technical merits of the shot, but because it evokes the feeling of a cold, wet afternoon in the 1950s.
Having pulled some of the other freight cars for Sunday’s run off the rider boxes and caboose, 484 shoves the stock cars back to a joint.
All hooked up with “DRGW” 488 and 484 on the front of a string of stock cars.
600×400 960×640
Pulling up past the coal tower – there’s not much light left, but the clouds are finally breaking, buying us a little more time. Off we go to Cumbres!
Crossing Lobato in twilight… We’re actually stopped, waiting for the engines to recouple after crossing Lobato Trestle separately.
As we neared the Dalton crossing, the sun finally poked out from under the clouds, just before it slipped below the horizon. The result was this very strange evening light color… ISO 1600 and more than a little cold, but wouldn’t trade that experience for anything.
The last usable (though not good) shot of the day – the ISO setting on the 40D is maxed out and my shutter speeds are dipping way into the unusuable range, particularly from a moving train. So, here’s one last look at the double-header, on the S-curves past the second crossing.
Back in Chama, 488 sits outside the engine house, having just gotten a quick bath with the pressure washer. The shop guys are off in another hour, so they’re trying to get everything wrapped up for the night.
Sunday, Sep 30, 2007 – Chama to Antonito
Sunday was perfect from a weather standpoint – a perfectly clear,
crisp fall day. Having stayed in Alamosa overnight, I was running a
little late, and when I showed up at 0730h, Alan was trying to get
everyone on board for an early departure. Glad I hadn’t stopped to grab
anything for breakfast! We left about fifteen minutes early, which
probably bought us an extra run-by somewhere. We did a few on the way
to Cumbres – two at Lobato and one at Hamilton’s Point – but mainly got
to the top and hooked up the stock cars we’d dropped off Saturday night.
In order for things to work out, we had to be into Osier with enough
time to eat before either regular train arrived, but we did get runbys
at the Long Creek fill and Cascade Trestle.
True to Alan’s word, as soon as the west train arrived at Osier, we were lined eastward and off like a shot. This gave us time for run-bys at several spots (Calico Cut, Phantom Curve, and Mud Tunnel) before ducking into Toltec to clear up for the regular eastbound train. From there, we got a couple more shots at Big Horn and Ferguson’s (Hangman’s) Trestle, and arrived in Antonito about 1730h. Accomodations for the night were included with the trip, and most of us wound up over at the Narrow Gauge Motel.
Blasting across Lobato Trestle with about half of the day’s freight train in tow. We were out of Chama by 0745h, so the sun is just barely over the surrounding mountains.
With Jeff Stebbins at the throttle, 488 steps off Lobato and starts into the first curve of the sweeping horseshoe up to Dalton.
Alan Loomis, our conductor and run-by coordinator for the day, seemed to think we all needed some early morning exercise, so we marched from the Lobato run-by up the hill to this one.
It’s a very crisp fall morning, so the steam hangs in the air longer than normal.
Climbing towards Cresco…
After the hard pull from Chama and the time for run-bys, a stop for water is in order
The next run-by is at Hamilton’s Point.
I really was a bit off the ball on Sunday, and didn’t get the shot looking back down the canyon. I was trying for fall color instead, which seems to be running a little behind this year.
The real “aspen gold” just isn’t quite there yet…
Around the big horseshoe near Coxo – turning to make the climb to Windy Point and Cumbres Pass.
Looking back at the Coxo crossing and down the valley from Windy Point
At the top, we passed right on through Cumbres down to the west end of the siding. Here, the plan was to do several run-bys as the crew switched in the stock cars we’d dropped off the night before.
The first run-by, with the freight we brought up from Chama…
Stock cars in the train, 488 heads down from Cumbres toward Tanglefoot for a run-by and to pick us up.
A bit wider shot, where unfortunately the rider boxes are evident. The addition of the stock cars should help make the train long enough that the rider boxes won’t show up in as many of the afternoon shots.
488 and twenty cars in tow round the lower level of the Tanglefoot Curves, just below Cumbres on the east side.
A not-that-great shot of 488 and the photo line at Tanglefoot. Don’t worry, I’m not a photo line crasher – I was hidden in one of the local shubberies as the train passed.
A broader shot from back on board the rider gon.
We’re not taking water at Los Pinos (I think they filled 488 at Cumbres), but thought the open view and tank in the background make for a nice “in transit” shot.
Crossing the big fill at Long Creek, a few miles before Cascade Creek and Osier. Note that white stuff along the track – it’s popping up all over the railroad. I’ve heard rumors it’s called ballast… A huge thank you goes to the CTSMC for making track renewal a priority, and to the MoW gangs that have done a tremendous job.
The Cascade Creek Trestle, as viewed from a way down the embankment.
After Cascade, we had to hurry along into Osier in order to have enough time to eat before the regular eastbound arrived with 484 (seen here). The intention was to depart as soon as the westbound showed up, so we had as much time for run-bys as possible before clearing up to let the eastbound pass us.
After the usual excellent lunch and the arrival of the regular westbound, the first run-by was set up at a cut a mile or so east of Osier.
Just a little different view of things – looking down on 488 and the upper parts of the Toltec Gorge. Taken from the same spot as the previous shot.
488 at Calico Cut, between Rock Tunnel and Phantom Curve.
Through the spires at Phantom Curve
A wider Phantom Curve shot- note the caboose in the background.
Out of the east portal of Mud Tunnel
Bringing up the rear is caboose 0579. Caboose 0579 was originally built in June of 1886 as part of a batch of 17′ cabooses. The car sat in Antonito for many years, until a group from the Friends, led by Bill Kepner, restored her to operation between 1996-2005.
With the scheduled eastbound closing on us, we ducked into Toltec Siding, the longest on the line at 3400 feet. The siding was originally shorter, but extended to handle the long pipe trains headed to Farmington in the 1950s.
About fifteen minutes later, 484 and the regularly scheduled eastbound passenger train show up to pass us.
A bit wider shot, showing 484 and the regular train, our freight special, and the Toltec sign.
Coming down through the S-curves on the west side of Big Horn
A broader shot, showing the valleys beyond.
Crossing the high desert between Big Horn and Lava
Across the desert from Lava, approaching Ferguson’s (Hangman’s) Trestle, near MP 286.
And stepping out onto the trestle itself. The trestle is relatively new, the original having accidentally burned in 1988 during the filming of “Where the Hell’s That Gold?”
Bill Noe and Jay Wimer (one of the organizers behind this trip) on the back of 0579, as we’re all loading up for the remainder of the run to Antonito.
Not every day you see a freight train rolling by the Antonito depot… That’s it for day 1, folks!
Monday, Oct 1, 2007 – Antonito to Chama
To give us some variety, the crew moved the stock cars further back
in the train as we were preparing to depart Antonito on Monday, and
hooked up 484 rather than 488 for the trip back. Monday’s weather
wasn’t so perfect. The day started in Antonito with some high cloud
cover, but more dense clouds could be seen to the west. We had decent
sun through about Big Horn, and then the clouds started to take over.
Not that diffuse light didn’t open up other new photo angles, such as
the one at Los Pinos in Chapter 5, but was a big change from Monday’s
fine blue skies. Operations were basically Sunday in reverse – out of
Antonito two hours ahead of the regular train, do run-bys, duck in the
hole at Toltec for the westbound train to pass us, more run-bys, arrive
at Osier as the other two trains are leaving and eat, more run-bys up to
Cumbres, and then straight on into Chama.
Monday night’s dinner in Chama was included, and hosted by Fosters in
their back room. The food was excellent, and it gave us all a chance
to eat, drink, talk, and thank everyone for their efforts. I couldn’t
stay that long, as I had to be back at work on Tuesday, so I left about
For the rivet counters, the freight consist was (in no particular
order): DRGW 157 (reefer), DRGW 774 (drop bottom gon), DRGW 6200 (flat),
UTLX 13084 (tank), DRGW 5691, 5600, 5841, 5633, 5706, 5549 (stock
cars), DRGW 6708, 6755 (pipe idler flats), DRGW 1557 (pipe gon), DRGW
04909 (water service car), DRGW 3669 (box), DRGW 6205 (converted rider
gon), DRGW 3244 (unlettered, converted to concession/restroom car by
the Friends), CATS 214, 205 (rider boxes, ex-DRGW boxcars 3161 and 3475,
respectively), and DRGW 0579 (caboose). Power was CATS/DRGW K-36 488
on Sunday and 484 on Monday.
A big thanks to all who made this happen. Of course that includes
Jay, but it also includes the C&TS Management Corporation folks, the
railroad employees who put up with the long hours and the constant
“back it up, that’ll do, now bring it forward with medium smoke”, the
railroad employees running the show (particularly Alan Loomis, who
managed to herd cats by getting us all on and off unbelievably quickly
and set up incredible run-bys), and many of the volunteers helping out
(Ed Baudette, William Diehl, Dave Boyer, Bill Noe, and Paul Uhland).
Most of surely would have frozen without Dave’s heaters and the fire
William built in 0579’s stove. I’m sure I’ve missed a few, and I
apologize for that. Thank you all for a great trip.
Before sunrise, the crew is out readying the engines for the day’s trains. Here, we’re bending a little iron behind 488 to get it out of the way for 484.
484 takes on water in the first rays of sun.
By the time we get to the first run-by spot of the day – near milepost 285 – the sun is up, though clouds ominously fill most of the sky. The grade’s not that stiff, but the crew’s working 484 hard to put on a good show.
Crossing the high desert west of Antonito with a single K-36 and twenty cars in tow.
I really liked a number of shots from this particular run-by – sorry for including so many…
One thing about it, when we asked the crew for lots of smoke, we sure got it.
A motion-blur shot of 0579 bringing up the rear.
Again, out across the high desert. It’s nice to have some of the mixed freight ahead of the stock cars. It gives more variety to shots like this one.
Getting closer to Lava – it’s desolate out here!
Climbing up onto the mesa approaching Lava
Rounding the Lava loop, approaching the tank
Well, I guess with the spout like that, we won’t be getting water here. Actually, the tank has been dry since the early 1970s.
And here we are at Big Horn…
At Sublette, we had to stop for water anyway, so they agreed to a couple run-bys.
Just east of Toltec siding, we set up for a run-by at one of the deep cuts. Here’s 484 and train approaching, creeping along a ledge carved from the hillside.
In yet another case of “does this guy actually edit anything?”, I’m including a second shot from the same location. Couldn’t decide which one to put in, so you get to see both.
And finally, approaching the cut itself
Crazy railfans…
With time running short, the crew backs 484 into the clear from the west end of Toltec
The regular westbound overtakes us at Toltec. You can only imagine that the docents were suddenly bombarded with questions about why there was a freight train on the siding, and where all that freight was going…
Okay, the westbound is far enough ahead – bring us back out on the main.
Looking down over 484 into the lower Toltec Gorge as the engine passes over the west Toltec siding switch.
Passing through Phantom Curve westbound, with a couple of the bizarre rock spires in the background.
Emerging from the west end of Rock Tunnel
Caboose 0579 brings up the rear, as was the case yesterday. That’s Alan Loomis on the ground, coordinating the run-by and giving instructions to the crew. If you look closely, he’s easy to pick out in a number of my shots due to the bright orange timetable in his back pocket.
And here we are, into Osier for lunch. Okay, I’m cheating, this is really after lunch, since both the east and west trains are already gone.
Yes, folks, those are real cowboys, rounding up and driving real cattle. Seen at Osier, they’re collecting cattle from the high country before winter sets in.
Leaving Osier after lunch, with some very strange light.
Driving the cattle up along the old road, with the Osier facilities in the background.
Running westbound over Cascade Creek trestle
Heading down through the Los Pinos valley over the river.
A view of the Los Pinos bridge from water level.
Just a slightly different angle at Los Pinos
Approaching the Tanglefoot Curves on the lower leve, with the upper level track in the foreground.
By the time we reach Tanglefoot, it’s cold, much darker, and raining lightly. As the train was backing up, one of the walkways between the cars got dislodged and pulled the pin on the last couple cars. The brakes engaged just as they should have, but it took a while to get the train back together and replace the bent walkway. We were all looking on from a distant hillside, awaiting a run-by.
Woo hoo! The steam is exactly in the right place to blot out the rider boxes!
With the retainers turned up, we’re almost ready to head over Cumbres and down into Chama. The light’s gone, it’s starting to rain, and there’s no way 484 could back up against the retainers for another run-by. Alan’s just giving the cars that decoupled a little inspection before we start moving again. On to Chama and dinner – it’s been a great trip.
All photographs in this trip report were taken with a Canon EOS 40D using either a Canon 24-105mm F4 L IS/USM or a Canon 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS/USM.
This work is copyright 2024 by Nathan D. Holmes, but all text and images are licensed and reusable under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. Basically you’re welcome to use any of this as long as it’s not for commercial purposes, you credit me as the source, and you share any derivative works under the same license. I’d encourage others to consider similar licenses for their works.